-Тема: "Живопис"

Живопис в Англії

Жанри живопису

Живопис в Україні

Past Perfect vs Past Perfect Continuous

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Perfect.
1. We rushed to the station but it was too late. The train ... just ... (leave).
2. The house was very quiet because everybody ... (leave) it.
3. We had no car at the time because we ... already (sell) our old one.
4. Last year my family was in France. We ... never ... (be) there before.
5. As I... (clean) my flat, it didn’t look untidy.
6. Ann ... just... (get) home when I phoned.
7. She didn’t want to go to the cinema because she ... (see) the film before.
8. My wallet wasn’t in my bag as somebody ... (steal) it.
9. By 1960 most of Britain’s old colonies ... (become) independent.
10. By the end of the meeting we ... (make) the decision.
11. ... the mother ... (cook) the dinner by the time of your arrival?
12. I ... (not/invite) Mary to the party because I didn’t want to see her.
13. Although he ... ( play) tennis before he played very badly yesterday.
14. I received a bad mark because I ... (make) many mistakes in my test.
15. We ... (not/finish) our work in time.

    Exercise 2. Choose Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1. While I was listening to the music, somebody ... into the room.
a. came
b. had come
2. I enjoyed this film even though I... it before.
a. saw
b. had seen
3. I tried to touch John in the morning but he already — 
a. left
b. had left
4. The teacher ... that the pupil didn’t know the lesson.
a. understood
b. had understood
5. I... my composition by the end of the lesson.
a. wrote
b. had written
6. He told me he ... football before.
a. played
b. had played
7. When I... the door everybody was there.
a. opened
b. had opened
8. We ... him when we lived in Italy. 
a. met
b. had met
9. At first I... the book, then I saw the film.
a. read
b. had read
10. When I... on the bus, I realized that I had forgotten my key.
a. was
b. had been
11. I didn’t know her address because I... the note with it.
a. lost
b. had lost
12. He remembered this accident which he ... on the road.
a. saw
b. had seen
13. She ... as a nurse before she became a doctor.
a. worked
b. had worked.
14. The children ... up the dishes after the dinner.
a. washed
b. had washed
15. We met Ann last week. She ... better than before.
a. looked
b. had looked
Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
1. They ... (live) in this city for almost three years when their son came back to England.
2. We were very wet when we came'home because we ... (walk) in the rain for a long time.
3. Bob tried to stop Dan who ... (shout) for the last ten minutes.
4. Angela rose from the arm-chair in which she ... (sit) at least for two hours.
5. David saw that Mary ... (cry) because her eyes were wet and red but didn’t say anything.
6. I thought we had to come to the solution of this problem which we ... (discuss) for hours already.
7. She ... (learn) French for five years before she could speak fluently
8. How long ... she ... (wait) before he came?
9. When I met David, he ... just... (open) a new bank account.
10. Miss Burn ... (work) only for about half an hour when she heard it.
11. The children ... (go) to school by bus for three months, when they cancelled the school bus service.
12. When the parents arrived, he ... (play) computer games since 3 o’clock and hadn’t done his homework.
13. ... you (cook) the cake long enough when you took it out?
14. Sam ... (not talk) very loudly so in the end I couldn’t understand him at all.
15. It was lunchtime and Tom ... (work) for four hours when his boss came.

    Exercise 4. Read the situation and write your own sentence using Past Perfect Continuous.
1. Mary woke up suddenly. She was frightened.
She/to dream/a nightmare________
2. Jim came home. He was tired. His hands were dirty.
He/to work/ in the garden________________________________________ .
3. When parents entered the room, but there was a strong smell of cigarettes.
Someone/ to smoke /in the room______________________________________ .
4. When the test was over, the students looked really tired.
They/to write/for two hours_________________________________________ .
5. Ann came from the beach. Her skin was red.
She/ to lie/ in the sun/ too much______________________________________ .
6. When the children came home, dinner was ready, but mother was tired and couldn’t eat at all.
She/ to cook/ since morning_______________________________________ .
7. I really had to go to the dentist because one of the teeth/ ache /for weeks.
8. When the company went bankrupt, nothing could change the situation.
It/lose/money for months_________________________________________ .
9. Henry was stopped by the police.
He/drive/too fast________________________________________ .
10. We started to play football at about three. Somewhere about half past three it began to rain.
We/ play football/ for about half an hour__________________

Exercise 5. Choose the correct verb form (Past Perfect Simple or Continuous).
1. The flat was dirty. They hadn’t (cleaned/ been cleaning) it for weeks.
2. I was sad when I sold my car because I had (had/been having) it for a very long time.
3. I knew all those facts because I had (read/ been reading) about it in the report.
4. My stomach ached because I had (eaten/been eating) too much at the party.
5. He was very nervous at the beginning of the match because he had never (played/been playing) in the prime league before.
6. The roads were wet and dangerous because it had (rained/been raining) all night.
7. When I arrived at the party, Ann had already (left/been leaving).
8. We were good friends and we had (known/been knowing) each other for a long time.
9. They had (walked/been walking) for five hours before they reached the village.
10. I had (felt/been feeling) sleepy all day so I had to drink a lot of coffee.
11. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We had (travelled/been travelling) for more than a month.
12. She was sitting on the ground and was out of breath because she had (run/been running) the marathon.

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